
IOSCO European Regional Committee at the FSMA

Press release
Jean-Paul Servais, Chairman FSMA and IOSCO

The FSMA convened more than 80 participants from the IOSCO European Regional Committee (ERC) for two days of meetings in Brussels for a Workshop on New Supervisory Technology on December 18 and the ERC Plenary meeting on December 19.

During the workshop ERC Members shared experiences on real-world cases in which they successfully apply new technologies in supervisory activities. These use-cases were related to social media monitoring, market surveillance, artificial intelligence and ways to address greenwashing through technology.
During the ERC plenary meeting members exchanged experiences on policies of common interest, such as Sustainable Finance, Fintech, crypto assets and Suptech. These in-depth discussions provide valuable feedback and regional perspectives to the global work coordinated by IOSCO.

ERC Members also visited the FSMA’s financial education centre, the Wikifin Lab, and learned about the FSMA’s efforts to contribute to the financial education in Belgium.

Jean-Paul Servais, ERC and IOSCO Board Chair and Chairman of FSMA Belgium said: “The ERC provides an important forum for our 57 members in Europe for information sharing and promoting cooperation. The ERC plenary meeting held in Brussels gave members an opportunity to discuss issues in relation to IOSCO’s policy work on digital and sustainable finance and to learn from each other about the SupTech skills and expertise that our members have built.  I was also happy to welcome our colleagues to our financial education centre as a model for financial regulators to contribute to financial literacy.”

IOSCO European Regional Committee