
Call for expressions of interest - working group on a risk-free reference rate

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The ECB has published on its website a call for expressions of interest relating to the working group on a risk-free reference rate for the euro area. The creation of this working group was announced in September. This call is published also on behalf of the FSMA, ESMA, and the European Commission, all of whom co-signed the announcement in September.

In addition, the ECB has published the terms of reference for the working group.

The working group is to be presided by a representative of the private sector, with the secretariat to be provided by the ECB. The working group is tasked first with identifying a preferred risk-free reference rate for the euro area. Thereafter, it will also consider questions relating to a transition from the currently used interest rate benchmarks to the chosen risk-free rate, if required.

The ECB invites candidates for the working group to express their interest by 12 January 2018, using this application form.