The personal data which you have provided to the FSMA via the applications below will be processed by the FSMA as set out in its Privacy Policy.
Business Portal
Information about web browsers
PRIIPS KIIDS NotificationeCorporate - FiMiS Survey
eCorporate - FiMiS SurveyeMT
Online notification of managers’ transactionseManex
Online notification and management of the external mandates of directors who are subject to regulations on the incompatibility of certain mandatesIntermediaries and Lenders
Online registration and management of your registration as an intermediary or your authorization as a lenderSTORI
The official Belgian central storage mechanism for regulated informationSTORI contains the regulated information submitted by issuers to the FSMA since 1 January 2011.
The FSMA was designated by the Royal Decree of 23 February 2010 as the institution that, as from 1 January 2011, is responsible for the central storage of regulated information within the meaning of the Transparency Directive.