Persons discharging managerial responsibilities at issuers, and persons closely associated with them, must notify transactions conducted on their own account relating to the shares or debt instruments of that issuer or to derivatives or other financial instruments linked thereto. The notification shall be made:
- to the issuer in question and to the FSMA via the online application eMT. The transactions notified (and confirmed by the issuer) are published on the website of the FSMA (Disclosure of managers’ transactions);
- for any subsequent transaction once a total amount of EUR 5,000 has been reached within a calendar year;
- no later than three business days after the date of the transaction.
Persons subject to this notification obligation may mandate someone else to notify their transactions, but they always retain legal responsibility for compliance with their notification obligation and for the content of the notification.
To learn more about eMT, please refer to the Quick User Guide for listed companies
For any question regarding managers’ transactions: 02 220 59 00 or