
The FSMA launches a video campaign to raise the public’s awareness of online fraud

Press release
Animated films produced by the FSMA

Today the Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA) is launching a series of awareness and prevention videos (available in French - Dutch only) on investment and credit fraud. This campaign is all the more pertinent as it is being released in these times of coronavirus crisis, characterized by lockdown and widespread teleworking, increasingly exposing consumers to scams by fraudsters.

At the slightest doubt as to whether or not an offer of financial products or services is fraudulent, more and more consumers are contacting the FSMA before investing their money. In 2020, the FSMA received 1,555 fraud reports, which is 50% more than in 2018. In order to continue its efforts to raise awareness of such fraudulent practices among an even wider public, the FSMA has now developed testimonial videos and animated films. This initiative is a continuation of its 2020 digital campaign "An offer too good to be true? Start by saying no".

The first 3 animated films are already available on the FSMA website!

Be sure to check them out if you are asking yourself the following questions:

  • How can I recognize and avoid investment and credit fraud?
  • What are the main mechanisms of this type of fraud?
  • How can I recognise cloned firms?
  • What should I do if I become the victim of such fraud?
  • How can I recognize and avoid cryptocurrency fraud?

In the coming months, more videos will be released. These will include testimonies by consumers who became victims of today’s most frequent types of fraud, as well as animated films on four forms of fraud: credit fraud, fraudulent online trading platforms, fraudulent offers of portfolio management and boiler room fraud.

Remember our 3 tips if you are concerned that an offer may be an attempt at fraud:

  • If you have the least doubt about whether financial services being offered to you are lawful, please don't hesitate to contact the FSMA directly via the consumer contact form.
  • Visit the FSMA website and learn how to recognize and avoid scams.
  • Finally, take the test on the FSMA website to find out if the offer you received is a scam.