
Mises en garde concernant des appels irréguliers à l'épargne publique : Mises en garde des autorités étrangères membres de ESMA-Pol

Archives  20222021

ESMA Warnings

Archive 2022 / 2023 / 2024

Date de publication Société Autorité
30-12-2023 ByBitProfit Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
28-12-2023 Premium Funds Management Ltd Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
28-12-2023 Plus-600 Management Ltd. / Plus-600 Corporation Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
28-12-2023 - Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
27-12-2023 The AMF is warning the public against several companies proposing atypical investments without being authorised to do so Warning from the Autority of Financial Markets (France)
23-12-2023 Primexpulse Ltd. Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
22-12-2023 Bitblanco (website and its page - StormInvest (website - Cryptogo365 Ltd (website - TCRinvest (website and its page - EuroXTradeFX (website Warning from the Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (Italy)
21-12-2023 Portfolio Investment ICAV (CLONE) Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
21-12-2023 Fisher Investments (CLONE) Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
21-12-2023 Bank of Ireland (CLONE) / Bank of Ireland UK (CLONE) Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
21-12-2023 Societe Generale (CLONE) Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
21-12-2023 Blarney Finance Group Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
21-12-2023 iToroStocks / iToro-Capital Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
21-12-2023 Dolmen Stockbrokers Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
21-12-2023 Winton Fund Management Ireland DAC Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
21-12-2023 GSO Whitney ICAV (CLONE) Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
21-12-2023 Quantum Ireland ICAV (CLONE) Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
21-12-2023 Amber Capital Investment Management ICAV (CLONE) Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
19-12-2023 Eternity Prime Ltd. Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
19-12-2023 Cryptoexchangetrade Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
19-12-2023 Oil Pro Profit PTE LTD Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
18-12-2023 IMMEDIATE DEFINITY - - - - - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
18-12-2023 BITCOIN APP 24 PTE LTD - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
18-12-2023 Alloptionsint (website and its page - (website and its page - Axia Group Ltd and Axiacvs (website and its page - Infinity Business Brokers LTD (website and its pages - FxAlta and Pangaia Ltd (website and its relative pages and - Swissdeal (website and its page Warning from the Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (Italy)
18-12-2023 UOP Capital Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
18-12-2023 Absolutecoinmarkets Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
16-12-2023 VerveMart Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
15-12-2023 NEGÓCIOS E DINHEIRO - Warning from the Comissão do Mercado de Valores Mobiliários (Portugal)
15-12-2023 AIX Trader Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
15-12-2023 Front-Management24 Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
15-12-2023 Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
14-12-2023 bullbit Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
14-12-2023 ZH1 Capital / OnlineWindows LLC Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
13-12-2023 VIE FINANCE AEPEY Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
12-12-2023 Walfa / IT Guardia SP Z.O.O. Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
12-12-2023 Prospect Positive Mind's Club ( Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
11-12-2023 TACTICAS DE TRADING LLC - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
11-12-2023 QUANTUMAI / QUANTUM AI - - - - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
11-12-2023 HUELVA CAPITAL, SL - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
11-12-2023 ETHEREUM PROAIR - - - - - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
11-12-2023 BTC Avage Ai - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
11-12-2023 BITIPLEX - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
11-12-2023 ETHEREUM EVE - Bitcoin Revolution Ltd - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
11-12-2023 BITAVAGE - - - - - - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
11-12-2023 InvexPlus Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
08-12-2023 CentrisFX Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
08-12-2023 CW Inc./CW Exchange Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
08-12-2023 Capital Wealth Management Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
08-12-2023 Violation of prospectus requirement: Swiss Investment Solution is not allowed to publicly offer its shares Warning from the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Germany)
07-12-2023 Bit-matic ( - C B Financial Services Limited (, webpage - Interactive (, webpage - Forexelite Limited and Elite Trading Academy (, webpages and - Degirocfd Group (, webpage - Billionaire Trade Limited (, webpages and Warning from the Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (Italy)
07-12-2023 DWS Invest (IE) ICAV (CLONE) Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
07-12-2023 Custom House Capital Limited (CLONE) Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
07-12-2023 Vantage Global Funds ICAV (CLONE) Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
06-12-2023 Bitopya Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
06-12-2023 Capital GatewayCG Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
05-12-2023 Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
04-12-2023 Nexus LLC - ONE CAPITAL COMPANY - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
04-12-2023 HALONG INVESTMENT Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
04-12-2023 Dev Global LLC - WSYM Technologies LLC - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
04-12-2023 AI TRADE - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
30-11-2023 Xtbco Ltd (, pages and - "FXCrue" (, pages and - "" (, pages and - "Ariel System" ( - "FXG Markets Investment" (, page - Link Financial Limited ( Warning from the Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (Italy)
30-11-2023 CapitalMarket24 Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
28-11-2023 PhoenixTB Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
28-11-2023 Vertexfy Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
28-11-2023 Traderup Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
28-11-2023 Tradercode Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
27-11-2023 EL MERCADO EFNX - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
27-11-2023 Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
27-11-2023 QUANTUMAI / QUANTUM AI - - - - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
27-11-2023 IMMEDIATE MOMENTUM - - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
27-11-2023 GAINGROUND - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
27-11-2023 FXNC FINANCIAL - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
27-11-2023 BITECX - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
27-11-2023 ACAPITAL GROUP - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
27-11-2023 Fraudulent activities by persons misusing the name of the Investment Company with Variable Capital LUX-BOND Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
25-11-2023 Cryptocurrencyexz Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
24-11-2023 BLOG FINANCE CORPORATION Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
24-11-2023 TopTierCapital Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
24-11-2023 Royal Dimex Ltd. Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
23-11-2023 Central Plus Finance Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
23-11-2023 The AMF and the Paris Public Prosecutor's Office urge retail investors to be extremely vigilant regarding Immediate Connect's fraudulent investment offer in crypto-assets Warning from the Autority of Financial Markets (France)
23-11-2023 Blue Energy Group AG: grounds to suspect shares being offered to the public without the required prospectus Warning from the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Germany)
23-11-2023 EUROWEG HuMan-Bewegung Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
23-11-2023 FX Advance Trade Global / Fxadvance Tradeglobal Ltd Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
23-11-2023 Forex Demystified Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
21-11-2023 Wisevests Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
21-11-2023 FXG Markets Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
21-11-2023 Ziraat Bankasi / (Clone of FCA Authorised firm) Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
21-11-2023 HighWorld Capital Associates LLC Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
20-11-2023 Bitblanco (, page - Alphascrypto ( - Billionaire Trade Ltd (, pages and - Infinity Invest (, and - CustomhouseCL (, and Warning from the Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (Italy)
20-11-2023 EquityExperts UK Ltd. Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
20-11-2023 TRADING AUDITADO / SYSTENEX - - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
20-11-2023 Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
20-11-2023 Tamara GT - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
20-11-2023 STANDART MARKETS LTD - STANDARTMARKETS - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
20-11-2023 PETRON CAPITAL - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
20-11-2023 LEVERAGESIX - - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
20-11-2023 INFINITY INVEST - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
20-11-2023 EXOPIP - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
20-11-2023 Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
20-11-2023 CAPITAL-STRATEGIESPARTNERS-GESTION (CLONE) - GESTION-CAPITAL-STRATEGIESPARTNERS (CLONE) - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
20-11-2023 Brite Advisors Financial Consultants LLC - - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
20-11-2023 BITLQ MATRIX - BITLQ - - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
20-11-2023 ARFINA MARKET AGENCIA DE VALORES, S.A. (CLONE) - ACCESS.ARFINA-MARKET.COM (CLONE) Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
20-11-2023 32VENTURES - - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
20-11-2023 FOREX KING MINING EMPIRE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
20-11-2023 TFX PRIMES Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
20-11-2023 MONI FINEX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
20-11-2023 FOREXPROAI Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
20-11-2023 BAXTERFXTRADE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
20-11-2023 CRYPTO COMMUNITY SIGNALS Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
20-11-2023 LOANSDESIRE.TOP Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
20-11-2023 FIRST ECONNECT LOAN Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
18-11-2023 Immediate Bitwave Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
16-11-2023 Ulink Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
16-11-2023 CRYPTOVESTOPTIONS Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
16-11-2023 OPECFX-TRADE / OPECFX TRADE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
16-11-2023 CAPDEVBANK / CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT BANK Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
16-11-2023 BLOCKSTRAMFX / FXBLOCKSTREAM Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
16-11-2023 PANFXTRADES Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
14-11-2023 RANESCAPITAL Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
14-11-2023 FinexLeaders Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
14-11-2023 Optical Bit Investment Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
14-11-2023 Thewavesmines Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
14-11-2023 Paragon Bulls Trade Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
14-11-2023 Trade Utopia Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
14-11-2023 City Money Bank / City Money Finance Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
14-11-2023 City Trust Bank / City Trust Finance Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
14-11-2023 The Citizen National Online Bank Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
14-11-2023 California Business Trust Bank Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
14-11-2023 Firstel Finance Bank Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
14-11-2023 First Premium Finance Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
14-11-2023 Sure Financial Gateway Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
14-11-2023 StiffelBank Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
13-11-2023 CUENA FX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
13-11-2023 OKFX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
13-11-2023 ENCOREFX GLOBAL Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
13-11-2023 XINLIMITED.COM Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
13-11-2023 VINTAGE GLOBAL INVESTMENT Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
13-11-2023 BTCMAXMINERS Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
10-11-2023 Bitgamo S.A. Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
10-11-2023 Fraudulent entity clones authorised firm HSBC Continental Europe, Ireland Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
10-11-2023 RICH PRIME FINANCE / RICHPRIME FINANCE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
10-11-2023 RELIANCEWEALTHS Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
09-11-2023 Yieldnodes / Exceptional Media Limited Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
09-11-2023 Nexus LLC ( - - - Free Trade CFD ( - - Smart Flow Ltd ( - - - Avan Trade ( - - - - Bullbit ( - Warning from the Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (Italy)
08-11-2023 Persons misusing the name of Banque Raiffeisen Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
08-11-2023 FORTUNE-TRADERS.UK Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
08-11-2023 BULLSTASHES Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
08-11-2023 WORLDMINEINSURED Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
08-11-2023 ESCOFINTEX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
08-11-2023 MEGA STACK Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
08-11-2023 MORGAN INVEST Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
03-11-2023 Compare Deposit Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
03-11-2023 Fraudulent entity clones Central Bank of Ireland authorised firm Venture Wealth Limited Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
03-11-2023 Fraudulent entity clones authorised firm Elite Wealth Management SIF-SICAV S.A. Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
03-11-2023 Fraudulent entity clones authorised firm Permanent TSB Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
03-11-2023 CommerceWealth Ltd Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
03-11-2023 CorsairControl Investment Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
03-11-2023 ROBOINVEST Ltd Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
03-11-2023 RFT Ltd Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
03-11-2023 BFM Group Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
02-11-2023 Shares in Enespa AG: grounds to suspect shares being offered to the public without the required prospectus Warning from the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Germany)
02-11-2023 Violation of prospectus requirement: Avantax Invest Group is not allowed to publicly offer the shares in Green Technologies Group Ltd. Warning from the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Germany)
02-11-2023 Alphasoft Ai Softwares Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
02-11-2023 MyRaidYield Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
02-11-2023 T-MiningNV Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
31-10-2023 Fraudulent entity clones authorised firm UBS Fund Management (Ireland) Limited Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
31-10-2023 Fraudulent entity clones authorised firm UBS AG (Ireland) Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
31-10-2023 Fraudulent entity clones authorised firm Allied Irish Bank Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
31-10-2023 Daily Remit Ltd Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
31-10-2023 Fraudulent entity clones authorised firm Northern Trust Global Services SE Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
31-10-2023 Fraudulent entity clones authorised firm Virtus Partners Fund Services Ireland Limited Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
31-10-2023 Fraudulent entity clones authorised fund Sitka ICAV Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
31-10-2023 Fraudulent entity clones Central Bank of Ireland authorised firm FNZ Europe DAC Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
31-10-2023 Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
30-10-2023 Mango Group LLC ( - FX6 ( - Trade 4 Nation (, pagina - Velohld ( Warning from the Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (Italy)
30-10-2023 VIE FINANCE AEPEY Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
30-10-2023 TANGENT CAPITAL - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
30-10-2023 INVOX TRADE - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
30-10-2023 BAMBOOZLE GROUP LTD - GECRUX INVEST - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
30-10-2023 Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
30-10-2023 ALGO TRUST LLC - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
30-10-2023 ALFA TRADE - ALFA TRADERS - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
27-10-2023 Spikelitetrade Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
27-10-2023 BVBB / Bellavista Bitcoin Bank Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
25-10-2023 Violation of prospectus requirement: Green Technologies Group Ltd. is not allowed to publicly offer its shares Warning from the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Germany)
25-10-2023 UMARKETS Warning from the Comissão do Mercado de Valores Mobiliários (Portugal)
24-10-2023 BBFX Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
24-10-2023 iToro Tradin AG Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
24-10-2023 Arctradeassets Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
24-10-2023 World Expert FX Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
24-10-2023 Wealth Arbitrage Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
24-10-2023 24/7ForexTrades Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
23-10-2023 Axiancefx ( - Investment Analysts (, page - Switchtrades Ltd (, page - Top Markets Ltd (, page - BTC System Pty Ltd ( Warning from the Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (Italy)
21-10-2023 Vivoholding Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
20-10-2023 WOIN8 LTD Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
20-10-2023 Sara Madeira Warning from the Comissão do Mercado de Valores Mobiliários (Portugal)
19-10-2023 Violation of prospectus requirement: Diagenics Group SE is not permitted to publicly offer its shares Warning from the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Germany)
19-10-2023 ECB Markets / ECB Management Ltd Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
18-10-2023 Passivo Ltd Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
18-10-2023 Cláudio André da Silva Teixeira Warning from the Comissão do Mercado de Valores Mobiliários (Portugal)
18-10-2023 FXU FINANCE / FXU SOLUTIONS Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
18-10-2023 FXTMONLINE.LIVE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
17-10-2023 QFS MONATERY BANK Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
17-10-2023 CRYPTO WAVE FINANCE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
16-10-2023 XTBEMPIRE.COM - Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
16-10-2023 LOAN FINDER E-GLOBAL FINANCE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
16-10-2023 SWIBEN BANK Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
13-10-2023 AdvancedProfit / Htrendline Ltd Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
13-10-2023 Investing Capitals Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
13-10-2023 Pro Markets Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
13-10-2023 Fraudulent entity clones authorised firm AXA Investment Managers Ireland Limited Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
13-10-2023 Fraudulent entity clones authorised firm J. P. Morgan Ireland Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
13-10-2023 FQ BIT TRADE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
13-10-2023 AUX BASE STREAM / AUXBASE STREAM Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
13-10-2023 NEXOFINCHAIN OPTION Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
12-10-2023 FPMGREECE - Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
12-10-2023 Clever Business (Schweiz) AG: evidence indicates no prospectus published Warning from the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Germany)
12-10-2023 Althos Invest SA Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
11-10-2023 Warning concerning a fraud scheme misusing the identity of the former company Blockchain Luxembourg S.A. / Group Holdings, Inc., that ceased its activities in 2021 Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
09-10-2023 VIRGOBANK - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
09-10-2023 UCOIN CAPITAL - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
09-10-2023 TURBO - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
09-10-2023 ZERMATT GROUP LLC - TRADE TECH SOLUTIONS - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
09-10-2023 CMF GROUP LTD - TRADECMF - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
09-10-2023 TEREMA INVEST - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
09-10-2023 PALO MARKET - PALOMARKET - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
09-10-2023 FINFLOW X - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
09-10-2023 (CLONE) Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
09-10-2023 EUROPEFX TRADE - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
09-10-2023 EUROPEFX - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
09-10-2023 CARAX FOREX - CARAXF OTC SA - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
09-10-2023 CAPITAL-GATEWAYCG - HIGTECHNORDPRO LIMITED - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
09-10-2023 BRIDGE STONE LIMITED - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
09-10-2023 Alfamarkets Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
07-10-2023 Echoin Ltd Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
05-10-2023 Beci LTD Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
05-10-2023 BMK Loans Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
04-10-2023 COMMERCEWEALTH Warning from the Comissão do Mercado de Valores Mobiliários (Portugal)
02-10-2023 EXPERT MARKETS - XPERT MARKETS - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
02-10-2023 SMART TRADE LTD - VENTURYFX - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
02-10-2023 TIGER ONE FINANCE - - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
02-10-2023 TIDEX TECHNOLOGIES LTD - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
02-10-2023 SUREBETS SPORTS INVESTMENTS - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
02-10-2023 STOCK TRADE INVEST LTD - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
02-10-2023 PRIME INVESTMENTS - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
02-10-2023 NET CAPITAL AB LTD - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
02-10-2023 INVESTING UNITY - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
02-10-2023 HUGO´S WAY LTD - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
02-10-2023 ERZINEX - TRD & MNY COMPANY LLC - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
02-10-2023 EQUITIZ - - - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
02-10-2023 DELTAS CRYPTO - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
02-10-2023 CCLOUDFX - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
02-10-2023 BITS PANDA - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
02-10-2023 ALPHA INCOMES - - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
02-10-2023 HOTCAPITALSTOX.COM - Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
02-10-2023 The AMF is warning the public against several companies proposing atypical investments without being authorised to do so Warning from the Autority of Financial Markets (France)
02-10-2023 (, page - Alfacapitalmarketsltd (, page - Fintech Market (, page - AfexEU (, pages; - Aiontrader (, pages; Warning from the Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (Italy)
02-10-2023 Dryden Partners Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
30-09-2023 Cyrcoins Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
29-09-2023 CBX Capital Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
29-09-2023 WiseWealth Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
29-09-2023 EUPROFITS / Euprofits-Finanzportal GmbH Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
29-09-2023 Emeneker Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
28-09-2023 CryptoTraderAI Ltd. Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
28-09-2023 TheBrokerAI Ltd. Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
28-09-2023 Misusing the identity of the former credit institution Catella Bank S.A. that ceased its banking activities in 2021 Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
27-09-2023 Curated Earners Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
27-09-2023 Ivenctures Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
27-09-2023 FXPRIME Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
27-09-2023 FXCRYPTOTRADE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
26-09-2023 Violation of prospectus requirement: Seidel Finance not allowed to publicly offer shares of Ecological Technologies Ltd. Warning from the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Germany)
26-09-2023 DIGITAL FX OPTIONS Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
26-09-2023 PAYDAY GLOBAL TRADE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
26-09-2023 SECCOINTRADE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
26-09-2023 ENTFOREX GLOBAL MARKETS Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
25-09-2023 Bitmarket Trader Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
25-09-2023 Cryptosfxpro Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
25-09-2023 Ether Arena Ltd (, page - ImpresaMarkets ( - Fx-vita (, pages, - Keysreim (, pages, - (, page Warning from the Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (Italy)
25-09-2023 WEBTRADER.ATRADESOLUTIONS.COM Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
25-09-2023 Capellenis Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
25-09-2023 Parallel Investment Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
25-09-2023 Primem4trade Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
25-09-2023 Intrex Asset Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
22-09-2023 Fraudulent entity clones Central Bank of Ireland authorised firm Active Pension Investment Limited Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
22-09-2023 Scam entity clones Central Bank of Ireland authorised firm The Emerald Fund ICAV Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
22-09-2023 Kapitec Invest Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
21-09-2023 Tools4deals Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
21-09-2023 MabCredit Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
21-09-2023 Fraudulent entity (Zurich Ireland Plc) clones authorised firm Zurich Insurance plc Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
20-09-2023 Trade Market Analysis Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
19-09-2023 Emarket-24 Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
19-09-2023 ForrestFX Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
18-09-2023 BROKER2UTRADE - Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
18-09-2023 Capital Focus Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
18-09-2023 QuickBlockchains Centre Ltd / Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
15-09-2023 Fraudulent activities by persons misusing the name of 3S Money (Luxembourg) S.A. Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
15-09-2023 Fraudulent activities carried out by the entity EverMarketsFX (Comoros) Ltd. Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
14-09-2023 LTD-FX.COM - Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
14-09-2023 ALPHAPLUSFX.COM - Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
14-09-2023 FPEUROPE.COM - Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
12-09-2023 JBYCapital Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
11-09-2023 SPRING-FX.COM Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
11-09-2023 BRAIN STONE FX LTD Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
11-09-2023 COZ FX / COZFX LIMITED Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
11-09-2023 Fraudulent activities by persons misusing the name of Aubusson Holding S.A. Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
09-09-2023 Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
07-09-2023 THE OKX CRYPTO FIELD Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
07-09-2023 FOREXKINGTRADINGEMPIRE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
07-09-2023 LAMATRADE INVESTMENTS LTD Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
07-09-2023 QUICKOPTIONSINVESTMENT Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
05-09-2023 Luxembourg company Elite Wealth Management SIF-SICAV S.A. Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
04-09-2023 MOUNT NICO CORP LTD - WELLS TRADER - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
04-09-2023 TBITEX.IN - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
04-09-2023 SIMPLE TRADING - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
04-09-2023 PRIMUSLTD - - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
04-09-2023 ECB7 CAPITAL LTD - ORO MARKETS - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
04-09-2023 NEPTUNUS CAPITAL - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
04-09-2023 MORGAN INVEST - - MORGAN VENTURES LTD Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
04-09-2023 FORT SECURITIES BLR - INVESTING BANKS - - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
04-09-2023 INVEST EDGE - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
04-09-2023 HEMILTON FINANCE - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
04-09-2023 GEMINI LTD FX - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
04-09-2023 ESCAPITALS - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
04-09-2023 CRYPTO FOXACE - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
04-09-2023 - COINEX TRADE PLATFORM LTD - COINEX BITS Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
04-09-2023 CMC INVESTMENTS - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
04-09-2023 CAPTRADER FINANCIAL - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
04-09-2023 BITFXARENA - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
04-09-2023 ATM CONTRACT - - SNAP TECHNOLOGY LIMITED ('KiBiEx') Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
04-09-2023 ALPHA CAPITAL - - (Clon) Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
04-09-2023 AFEX EU - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
04-09-2023 Misusing the name of the bank Banking Circle S.A. Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
02-09-2023 Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
02-09-2023 Immediate Momentum Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
01-09-2023 Capital investments offered by “Woodland Invest” as a company of SH Marketing Frankfurt GmbH: evidence indicates no prospectus published Warning from the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Germany)
01-09-2023 SPRINTGLOBALFX / SPRINT GLOBAL FX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
31-08-2023 AlphasCrypto Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
31-08-2023 Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
31-08-2023 BIT CAPITAL AXIS Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
31-08-2023 CAPTECINVLTD.COM Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
31-08-2023 FX MONSTERS Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
31-08-2023 ALPHALUXSE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
31-08-2023 FUNDEDSIGNALTRADES Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
30-08-2023 Amadeus Markets Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
29-08-2023 Fraudulent activities by persons misusing the name of the bank BGL BNP Paribas Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
24-08-2023 Shares in Swiss Investment Solution: grounds to suspect shares being offered to the public without the required prospectus Warning from the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Germany)
24-08-2023 GLOBALS-LTTDIAA Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
24-08-2023 ZENITHQUARRYMINING Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
23-08-2023 Luxembourg company LBR Investments S.à r.l. Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
23-08-2023 COINFLUX TRADES MARKETS /COINFLUX TRADES LTD Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
23-08-2023 TRADEX / TRADE X Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
23-08-2023 BLISS FOREX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
22-08-2023 Fatih SARIKAYA / S-f-Invest Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
22-08-2023 BT Invest Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
21-08-2023 Warning concerning fraudulent activities performed under the name of the Luxembourg company FARAD Investment Management S.A. Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
21-08-2023 Warning concerning the website Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
18-08-2023 Appex Finance / KwikFlow Group LLC Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
17-08-2023 Fraudulent entity clones authorised firm Kensington UCITS ICAV Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
17-08-2023 Fexmon Global Ltd Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
17-08-2023 APEX FX INVESTMENT Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
16-08-2023 CFMFXBROKER Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
16-08-2023 BITMETALITFX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
16-08-2023 BITFOREX TRADE / BITFOREXTRADE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
16-08-2023 ECONFX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
15-08-2023 GLOBALFX.ORG Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
15-08-2023 ASTUTE BANK Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
14-08-2023 Violation of the prospectus requirement: BaFin prohibits Green Wood International AG from offering the capital investment 'contractual claims to revenue sharing from Paulownia plantations' to the public Warning from the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Germany)
11-08-2023 OpaBitcoin Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
09-08-2023 Fraudulent entity clones authorised firm RBS Asset Management (Dublin) Limited Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
08-08-2023 WEBTRADER.EUOCTAFX.COM - Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
08-08-2023 Temple Money Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
08-08-2023 Finio Finance Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
07-08-2023 ENDURINGFOREX / ENDURING FOREX INVESTMENT Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
07-08-2023 ACTIVE FOREX TRADE / ACTIVEFOREXTRADE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
07-08-2023 CRYPTOSLITE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
07-08-2023 MARKET BY CRYPTO TRADE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
07-08-2023 ELITE CRYPTO EXCHANGE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
07-08-2023 S.A CAPITALFX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
04-08-2023 Violation of prospectus requirement: Ecological Technologies Ltd., Enterprise Investment and Swift Invest Solutions are not allowed to publicly offer the shares in Ecological Technologies Ltd Warning from the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Germany)
04-08-2023 Shares in Hydro Invest S. A.: grounds to suspect shares being publicly offered without the required prospectus Warning from the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Germany)
04-08-2023 Shares in Paraguay Fresh S. A.: grounds to suspect shares being publicly offered without the required prospectus Warning from the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Germany)
03-08-2023 Financial Weststein Bank / Weststein Bank AG Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
03-08-2023 Shares in MudaPar S. A.: grounds to suspect shares being publicly offered without the required prospectus Warning from the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Germany)
02-08-2023 Violation of prospectus requirement: Deutsche Edelfisch DEG GmbH & Co. II KG not allowed to publicly offer the securities „Anleihe 2022/2025“ and „Anleihe 2022/2030“ Warning from the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Germany)
01-08-2023 SWK Invest Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
01-08-2023 Zigber / Belana Group LLC Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
01-08-2023 Omers Finance Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
01-08-2023 FantomFinanzen Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
01-08-2023 LINCOLNFX.CAPITAL - Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
31-07-2023 SWIFTECFX - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
31-07-2023 STARTRADER LLC - STARTRADER - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
31-07-2023 SMART LIFE DIGITAL - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
31-07-2023 OKMIU LIMITED - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
31-07-2023 FUNDSTRADEFX - - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
31-07-2023 FINEX TRADER - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
31-07-2023 BITBRIDGES - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
31-07-2023 BINA XBT - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
31-07-2023 BAER GROUP CORPORATION - BAER GROUP - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
31-07-2023 ATRADE SOLUTIONS - PRO TRADE - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
31-07-2023 Convertible bonds of Velocitas Trading OÜ: grounds to suspect convertible bonds being publicly offered without the required prospectus Warning from the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Germany)
31-07-2023 Fraudulent entity clones authorised firm Aviva Direct Ireland Limited Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
31-07-2023 Fraudulent entity clones Central Bank of Ireland authorised firm Advance Personal Credit Ltd Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
31-07-2023 Balanced Finance Ltd Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
31-07-2023 Fraudulent entity clones authorised firm abrdn Investments Ireland Limited Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
31-07-2023 Fraudulent entity clones authorised firm LGT Bank AG, Dublin Branch (Clone) Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
31-07-2023 Fraudulent entity clones authorised fund GCP Equity Ireland ICAV Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
31-07-2023 JFD Market (, pagina - Orionda Financials Ltd e TradeCare365 Markets Ltd (, pagine e - VirtuFinance (, pagina Warning from the Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (Italy)
28-07-2023 Monte Verde Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
28-07-2023 Warning concerning fraudulent activities carried out under the name of Banque Internationale à Luxembourg (BIL) and the website Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
28-07-2023 ALTPRO EXCHANGE WAY Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
28-07-2023 WEALTHY HARGREAVES OPTIONS Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
28-07-2023 EPIC GROWTH INVESTMENTS Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
27-07-2023 Oil Profit Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
27-07-2023 GOLDCAPITAL TRADES / GOLDCAPITALTRADES Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
27-07-2023 ECOIN FX TRADE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
27-07-2023 ECOIN LITE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
26-07-2023 Likewood-invest LTD / Wood Finance Limited and usurpation of the name and logo of the CSSF as well as of the name of the Maltese investment firm WOOD Finance LTD Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
26-07-2023 Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
24-07-2023 Caledonia Advisory ( and, pages and - Trade4winner (, page - OnspotBNK (, pages and Warning from the Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (Italy)
22-07-2023 RPM-Pros Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
20-07-2023 Bank of Ireland Asset Management (Clone) Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
20-07-2023 Fraudulent entity clones authorised firm UTI Goldfinch Funds Plc Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
20-07-2023 Scam entity clones authorised Kenure ICAV Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
20-07-2023 VIE FINANCE Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
20-07-2023 Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
20-07-2023 Advancia Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
20-07-2023 Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
18-07-2023 Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
18-07-2023 ANUBIS LTD Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
18-07-2023 CRISTOBIS Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
18-07-2023 ULTIMATE EARNING PLATFORM / ADVANCED-FX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
18-07-2023 TETRAGLOBAL GROUP Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
17-07-2023 FP Europe (, page - PrimusForex (, page - ProtechFx (, page - Trezocapital (, page Warning from the Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (Italy)
17-07-2023 SSJTCF - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
17-07-2023 ORIONNXT LTD - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
17-07-2023 FCF MARKETS - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
17-07-2023 ENCOUNTER FINANCE LTD - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
17-07-2023 BRAGA CAPITAL FX LLC - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
17-07-2023 UNIVERSALCRYPTOMINERS Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
17-07-2023 SWIFTECFX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
17-07-2023 GlobalFXMiningHub Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
14-07-2023 MARIA FX TRADE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
11-07-2023 Sparprime / CentralKasse Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
11-07-2023 Seidel Finance: Shares in Ecological Technologies Ltd.: grounds to suspect shares being publicly offered without the required prospectus Warning from the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Germany)
11-07-2023 The fraudulent activities carried out by the entity Snuff Kredit / Service Financier de Luxembourg SA Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
07-07-2023 Keler Group Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
07-07-2023 GLOBALFX MINER Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
07-07-2023 CARAVELLE-INVESTMENTS.COM Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
06-07-2023 GEMINIFX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
06-07-2023 DAILY FXMINING Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
06-07-2023 Our USA Loan PayDay Loans Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
06-07-2023 DIGITAL GOLD INVESTMENT Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
05-07-2023 Bit Lidex 360 Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
03-07-2023 TRADECENTRIX - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
03-07-2023 SBC SMARTFUND LIMITED - SMART + - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
03-07-2023 EQUIPO JUANFE - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
03-07-2023 Binetrix (website internet; - Bitbinx (website and page;- E-trade (website and page; - The Active Trades Ltd (website;- FX Modex (website and pages and Warning from the Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (Italy)
03-07-2023 WM Global Forex (Clone of FCA authorised firm) Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
30-06-2023 METABITEXCHANGE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
30-06-2023 MJ COININVEST PRO Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
30-06-2023 TRADE ONE FX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
30-06-2023 ZADEPRO GLOBAL Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
30-06-2023 ASSETALLIANCEINC.COM Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
30-06-2023 BOSTON CAPITAL Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
29-06-2023 Fraudulent activities performed under the name of the Luxembourg company Leros Investissements Financiers S.A. (website: Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
29-06-2023 IDENCOTRADE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
29-06-2023 DENOXTRADE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
28-06-2023 Fraudulent entity clones authorised firm Danske Bank A/S Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
28-06-2023 Fraudulent entity clones authorised firm Axonic ICAV Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
28-06-2023 Fraud scheme misusing the former name (Alken Luxembourg S.A.) of the company Virmont S.A. Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
28-06-2023 Mebitstock Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
26-06-2023 TSA FOREX - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
26-06-2023 Mega Gold Serves Ltd. - SWISSIAM - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
26-06-2023 PROFIT CINDA LIMITED - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
26-06-2023 PLATAFORMA JPX - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
26-06-2023 PIU TRADING - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
26-06-2023 PANPACIFIC CAPITAL GROUP LTD - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
26-06-2023 LEVELED UP SOCIETY - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
26-06-2023 LECS CRYPTO - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
26-06-2023 GAINFUL MARKETS - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
26-06-2023 ECC CORP LLC - FCF MARKETS - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
26-06-2023 EU FINANCE - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
26-06-2023 CRYPTO MASTER TRADE - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
26-06-2023 CED CAPITAL LTD - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
26-06-2023 BLOOMHF - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
23-06-2023 Fraudulent investment offers in Forex and crypto-assets by Immediate Connect Warning from the Autority of Financial Markets (France)
22-06-2023 Violation of prospectus requirement: Performance to Go PLC not allowed to publicly offer its “pre-market cumulative preferred shares” Warning from the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Germany)
21-06-2023 Saanut Corporate Finance (website: Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
21-06-2023 Paper Bids (website: Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
20-06-2023 iDealTrade Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
20-06-2023 Roi Republic Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
20-06-2023 BitlQ / Omers Finance Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
20-06-2023 Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
20-06-2023 Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
20-06-2023 CAPFM.IO Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
19-06-2023 Softech Trades (, page - Fxlivestrade ( - Baer-group (s, page - Ikon Cfd (, pages and Warning from the Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (Italy)
16-06-2023 Warning concerning fraudulent activities by persons misusing the name of the bank Rakuten Europe Bank S.A. Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
16-06-2023 STARLIGHTCAPITAL.IO Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
16-06-2023 CLICKFXM Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
15-06-2023 Fraudulent entity clones authorised firm Irish Life Investment Managers Limited Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
15-06-2023 Money Finance LLC T/A RoundFinance Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
15-06-2023 Graham Finance Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
15-06-2023 4x or Cixx LLC (website: Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
15-06-2023 IFP INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT S.A. Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
14-06-2023 Network Finance Limited Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
13-06-2023 DIVERSIFIED WEALTH & FUND MANAGEMENT LLC / DIVERSIFY WEALTH & FUND MANAGEMENT LLC Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
12-06-2023 UBM CAPITAL - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
12-06-2023 ROYAL INVESTMENT CONSORTIUM - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
12-06-2023 NEW HORIZON TECHNOLOGIES, S.L. - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
12-06-2023 MEDIFINANCE LIMITED - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
12-06-2023 PRISTINE GROUP LLC - GLOBAL NEWS TRADE - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
12-06-2023 EXPRIME - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
12-06-2023 DIFC INVESTMENT - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
12-06-2023 ALLIANCEFXLIMITED - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
12-06-2023 Top Markets Ltd (, page - Gadvm Limited (, page - "PrimeCapital" ( - "ToroProfit" (, page Warning from the Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (Italy)
12-06-2023 INFINITE PRIME Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
12-06-2023 INFINITY MINERS Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
12-06-2023 OCTUSGLOBALLTD.COM Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
12-06-2023 GLOBA GIANT ASSET / GLOBAGIANTASSET Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
10-06-2023 Ervestment Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
10-06-2023 NetProfit Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
08-06-2023 BITBINX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
07-06-2023 Immediate Edge Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
07-06-2023 SSC INVESTMENT Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
07-06-2023 4X.FM Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
06-06-2023 Magna Finance Holdings Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
06-06-2023 CRYPTOXPHERE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
06-06-2023 TRUSTYSWAP Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
06-06-2023 Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
05-06-2023 CapitalFxm (, page - Aw Fx Bank (, page - Index Accounting (,, page - Finex Finance Global ( Warning from the Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (Italy)
05-06-2023 Royal Investment Consortium Warning from the Securities Market Agency (Slovenia)
02-06-2023 PREMIER EQUITY MANAGEMENT LLC Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
02-06-2023 Expert Trademiners Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
02-06-2023 FINANCIALMARKT.COM - Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
02-06-2023 Luxem Capital (website: Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
02-06-2023 PRIVE FINANCE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
02-06-2023 AIINOVATIVETRADE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
02-06-2023 ZADE INVESTMENT LIMITED / ZADE INVEST Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
31-05-2023 Masterfx-Options Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
30-05-2023 APPLE CREEK ACQUISITION CORP / APPCREEKACQCORP.COM Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
30-05-2023 FX PLANNET / FXPLANNET Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
30-05-2023 PHUNEMZ COINS FX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
29-05-2023 ZENITH VISUAL COINTRADE - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
29-05-2023 VERUM INVESTMENTS INC - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
29-05-2023 OXSHARE LLC - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
29-05-2023 OPENMARKETS - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
29-05-2023 OMEGAROX LTD - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
29-05-2023 MAVPCAPITAL - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
29-05-2023 LODEN SERVICESS LTD - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
29-05-2023 FX MUNDO - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
29-05-2023 CLAIR CAPITAL - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
29-05-2023 Prime Markets (, page - Fintech Market (, its page - Nadex CFD Limited (, its pages, - Luxem Capital, Inc. ( - Warning from the Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (Italy)
26-05-2023 Magna Finance Holdings Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
26-05-2023 JPAB Finance Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
26-05-2023 Fraudulent firm clones authorised firm Verge Capital Limited t/a Finclude Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
26-05-2023 Bad Credit Loans Ireland Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
26-05-2023 - Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
26-05-2023 Warning concerning the website and fraudulent activities where the name of the company QUILVEST CAPITAL PARTNERS AM S.A. is misused Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
26-05-2023 TREZO CAPITAL Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
25-05-2023 The activities of an entity named Coin Option or Coin Option Bank Europe S.A. ( Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
25-05-2023 XIP CAPITAL GROUPS Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
25-05-2023 GROWFUNDSFX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
25-05-2023 ULTIMOSFX / ULTIMOS FX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
25-05-2023 FUNDSTRADEFX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
24-05-2023 Gala-Gruppe Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
24-05-2023 Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
24-05-2023 Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
24-05-2023 Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
24-05-2023 Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
24-05-2023 Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
24-05-2023 Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
24-05-2023 International Markets Live Inc (IM MASTERY ACADEMY) (website Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
23-05-2023 Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
23-05-2023 West Empire Private Equity Inc. Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
23-05-2023 Dojo Loans Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
23-05-2023 Bantry Loan Service Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
23-05-2023 Scam entity clones authorised Arch Investment ICAV Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
22-05-2023 UPSTREAM - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
22-05-2023 VALO HOLDINGS GROUP - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
22-05-2023 SEÑALES FOREX - https://señ - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
22-05-2023 POLARBTC - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
22-05-2023 MADEIRA INVEST CLUB - PROELUCYON, LLC - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
22-05-2023 LENZ CAPITAL - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
22-05-2023 IMPORT CAPITAL - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
22-05-2023 CT MATADOR - WIND HOLDINGS LTD - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
22-05-2023 BIBOX TECHNOLOGY OÜ - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
22-05-2023 ARK COIN - FLACK CONSULTING LLC - - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
22-05-2023 ADRSWAP - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
19-05-2023 Fraudulent entity clones authorised firm Cantor Fitzgerald Ireland Limited Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
18-05-2023 Ternary Group FX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
17-05-2023 Fraudulent entity clones BaFin authorised firm, Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A Filiale Frankfurt am Main Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
17-05-2023 AFEX EU Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
17-05-2023 Irish Lends Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
17-05-2023 Walsh Money Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
16-05-2023 VASTWEALTH (CLONE) - VALLENCIO LLC - (CLONE) Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
16-05-2023 SOLIDARITY IQ TRADE - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
16-05-2023 ORIONDA FINANCIALS LTD - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
16-05-2023 Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
16-05-2023 NEXUS LLC - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
16-05-2023 KA CAPITAL EMPORIUM - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
16-05-2023 HOTBIT - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
16-05-2023 GMI - Global Market Index Limited - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
16-05-2023 Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
16-05-2023 EVEREST CAPITAL LTD - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
16-05-2023 CSR FINANCE SERVICES LTD - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
16-05-2023 CORNY SOLUTIONS LLC - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
15-05-2023 GOODFELLOW GLOBAL MANAGEMENT LLC Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
15-05-2023 Activ4X (, pages and - VirtuFinance (, page - XTB Empire Ltd (, page - Goldy Deal ( - Gold Crown Mining Limited ( Warning from the Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (Italy)
13-05-2023 YEM / YEM Foundation Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
12-05-2023 TOP LIVE OPTION FX / TOPLIVEOPTIONFX.ONLINE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
12-05-2023 POWER 2 FX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
12-05-2023 TRENDFX PNS Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
12-05-2023 CRYPTFXMINING Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
12-05-2023 MEGA CRYPTO EXCHANGE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
10-05-2023 Wirrerium LLC Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
10-05-2023 GREASE WALLET INC Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
10-05-2023 GOLDBIZ-TRADE.COM Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
10-05-2023 MEGA TRADEVEST Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
10-05-2023 Warning concerning the website Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
08-05-2023 TRADE CAPITOL - EUNOIA GROUP LLC - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
08-05-2023 SYNNFREY SOL LTD - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
08-05-2023 OIL PROFIT - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
08-05-2023 Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
08-05-2023 GLOBAL FX TRADE - GLOBAL FX TRADE ADVISORS CORPORATION - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
08-05-2023 FOREX TIME LTD - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
08-05-2023 EIE TRADING MARKET - - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
08-05-2023 BULLISH FX - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
08-05-2023 BORNSTEIN INVESTMENT - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
08-05-2023 BIT INDEX AI - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
08-05-2023 BITCOIN MOTION - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
08-05-2023 BITCOINBANK - BITCOIN BANK - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
08-05-2023 ALL SOLUTIONS FX - SHLACK CONSULTING LLC - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
05-05-2023 FX-MAGNA.COM - Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
05-05-2023 CRYPTERIUN.CC - Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
05-05-2023 BIDTRADE.NET - Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
05-05-2023 Trade Union Trust Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
04-05-2023 Dakkengroup Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
04-05-2023 TradeVexo Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
04-05-2023 Trade Secured Fx Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
04-05-2023 Barclay Private Assets Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
04-05-2023 Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
03-05-2023 Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
03-05-2023 Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
03-05-2023 Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
03-05-2023 Fraudulent activities by persons misusing the name of the credit institution Société Générale Luxembourg Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
02-05-2023 Brinks Investment Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
02-05-2023 Vivian Trade (sito internet e relativa pagina - AcerFinance (sito internet - PrimusFX Inc (sito internet e relativa pagina Warning from the Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (Italy)
01-05-2023 Belana Group LLC / Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
01-05-2023 FinancialGate Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
28-04-2023 Fraudulent entity clones authorised firm LGIM Managers (Europe) Limited Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
28-04-2023 MynetCoin Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
28-04-2023 Starling Car Insurance Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
28-04-2023 Housing Finance Ltd Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
28-04-2023 Financial Service Offer / Dr James Eric Finance Pvt Ltd Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
28-04-2023 Asia Loan Company Ltd Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
28-04-2023 Greg Refinancing Loan Offer Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
28-04-2023 Nolly Funding Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
28-04-2023 M.B. Finance Services Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
28-04-2023 Ronnie Finance Limited (Clone) Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
28-04-2023 Greencares Macro Finance Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
27-04-2023 Warning concerning the website Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
26-04-2023 Polarbtc Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
26-04-2023 Upstream-market Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
26-04-2023 Sallix Capital Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
26-04-2023 Gainful Markets Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
26-04-2023 Warning concerning the website usurping, among others, the contact details and logo of the CSSF Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
26-04-2023 Warning regarding the activities of an entity named Royal Investment Consortium ( Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
25-04-2023 MobaTrade Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
25-04-2023 A-Trade International Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
25-04-2023 VerifyFX Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
25-04-2023 Wasixcap Warning from the Financial Markets Authority (the Netherlands)
25-04-2023 Unitec Global Finance Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
25-04-2023 Trivago Financial Home Plc Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
25-04-2023 ExFinances / Finex Group Ltd Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
25-04-2023 Intelligence Prime Capital Ltd / IPCapital / IPC Trade EU Ltd Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
25-04-2023 Ireland Loan Point Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
25-04-2023 Fraudulent entity clones authorised firm BNP Paribas S.A Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
24-04-2023 Ama Business Solutions Ltd (sito internet e relative pagine e - Pelliron Universal Inc. (sito internet e relativa pagina - Mortiz Ltd e Fxalta Ltd (sito internet - New Finance Llc e Newfx Ltd (sito internet Warning from the Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (Italy)
24-04-2023 Wirrerium LLC - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
24-04-2023 Primus FX - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
24-04-2023 Pepper Stone LTD - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
24-04-2023 Forzatrade - - - - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
24-04-2023 Example 4 - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
24-04-2023 Itraders FX LTD - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
18-04-2023 Warning regarding the activities of the company PrimeiroPay S.à r.l. Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
17-04-2023 "FXTime" (, pages e - MVE Holdings Limited (, page - "EuroTrade Forex" (, pages, - "Axiancefx" (, pages, Warning from the Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (Italy)
17-04-2023 Yuan Pay Group - - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
17-04-2023 VM Services LLC - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
17-04-2023 Tommy Lauren - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
17-04-2023 Seven Canyons Advisors LLC - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
17-04-2023 Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
17-04-2023 Rackspruce LTD - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
17-04-2023 Pristene Options - Pristene Options Investment Company - - Crypto World - - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
17-04-2023 Planguard Invest LTD - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
17-04-2023 Marketa LTD - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
17-04-2023 Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
17-04-2023 Finviz Pro - Canoodle Solutions LTC - - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
17-04-2023 Eurotrade Forex - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
17-04-2023 CRYPTORICHS - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
14-04-2023 TraderMinds / Trader Minds Management Ltd Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
11-04-2023 Aquilafx (website and page - Pine Consulting Ltd and BestProducts Ltd ( and page - MTinvesting ( - Mfs Securities Corporation ( and pages and - EuroCryptoFX (website and page Warning from the Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (Italy)
11-04-2023 UP4PROFIT - Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
11-04-2023 - Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
11-04-2023 Globalspotfx - Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
11-04-2023 Blackdiamondswiss - Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
11-04-2023 27proquote - Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
11-04-2023 4fxluxus - Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
11-04-2023 Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
10-04-2023 Paladin Trading - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
10-04-2023 Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
10-04-2023 Dev Global LLC - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
10-04-2023 Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
07-04-2023 Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
06-04-2023 cointrade - Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
06-04-2023 Warning concerning the usurpation of the name and logo of the CSSF Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
05-04-2023 EXCELLENCEINVEST - Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
05-04-2023 The activities of an entity named Co-Finance Trade Limited Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
04-04-2023 PHENOM AUTO FX PRO Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
03-04-2023 Fintech Market (website and page - First Trade Cfd (website and pages and - "Prime Markets" (website and page - Trezocapital" (website - C.F. Global Enterprise LLC (website and page - Fixxfi Ltd (website and pages, and Warning from the Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (Italy)
03-04-2023 WAY TO FINANCE - Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
03-04-2023 VANTAGE INTERNATIONAL GROUP - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
03-04-2023 Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
03-04-2023 THETA INVESTMENTS (CLONE) - (CLONE) Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
03-04-2023 CYNOSURE CONSULTING LTD (ACER FINANCE) - HTTPS://ACERFINANCE.CO/ES Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
03-04-2023 BULL CAPITAL - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
03-04-2023 Warning concerning the website and emails sent from the address Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
30-03-2023 Performance to Go PLC: suspected offer to the public of “pre-market cumulative preferred shares” by Performance to Go PLC without the required prospectus Warning from the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Germany)
30-03-2023 Fraudulent activities performed under the name of the Luxembourg company LSP Holding Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
29-03-2023 Euroway Capital Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
29-03-2023 Fraudulent entity clones authorised firm Barclays Bank Ireland PLC Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
27-03-2023 TRADE NATION LTD - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
27-03-2023 TRADE COIN - - - - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
27-03-2023 SHADLAKE LTD - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
27-03-2023 ONECAPITAL INVEST - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
27-03-2023 MORGAN FINANCE - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
27-03-2023 Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
27-03-2023 INVINCO GMBH - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
27-03-2023 "IKON CFD" (internet, pages, - Shdlake Ltd (, with page - ACTV Global Markets Limited (, page - "ForexTimeLTD" (, page - "CRYPTONEYX" ( Warning from the Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (Italy)
27-03-2023 Crown Savings Bank Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
24-03-2023 THE-QUANTUM-TECH - Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
24-03-2023 BIT OPTIONS PRO Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
24-03-2023 TRACKFXX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
24-03-2023 SIGNALSBIT Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
24-03-2023 STAKEFXMINING Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
24-03-2023 BUYBITFX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
24-03-2023 BESTPAYOUTFX / BEST PAY OUT FX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
24-03-2023 GLOBAL DIGITAL FINANCE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
24-03-2023 ROLYTRADINGS Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
24-03-2023 SMART CAPITALS Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
23-03-2023 Corefx-Benefit Investing Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
23-03-2023 SF Trading Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
23-03-2023 Arena GlobalFX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
23-03-2023 AXAFOREX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
23-03-2023 AUTOMININGPLATFORM Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
23-03-2023 FINOWIZ / FINOWIZ LIMITED Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
23-03-2023 GAI CAPITAL / GLOBAL ASSURANCE INVESTMENT CAPITAL Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
23-03-2023 BLOOM TRADES LIMITED Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
22-03-2023 ITRADERS24 - Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
22-03-2023 MAXFIELD CONSULTING GROUP Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
22-03-2023 OPTIMA INVESTMENT Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
22-03-2023 ZILUXFUND Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
22-03-2023 PRIMY CHAIN Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
22-03-2023 FUNDEX NFT Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
22-03-2023 TRADING FX BONUS Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
21-03-2023 Tierra Group Ltd Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
21-03-2023 NAG PRO - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
21-03-2023 GRUPO EXOR LTD - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
21-03-2023 Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
21-03-2023 DERIBITEX - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
21-03-2023 Emerton & Associates LLC Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
21-03-2023 FXVALIDUS Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
21-03-2023 FXTM GLOBAL EXCHANGE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
20-03-2023 Luís André de Goes Ribeiro da Cunha Warning from the Comissão do Mercado de Valores Mobiliários (Portugal)
20-03-2023 ToroProfit (, page - Plan B Ltd (, page - EuropeanFX™ Markets Limited (, pages and - Catena Farm Capital ( - Eaglestones Finance (, pages and - Warning from the Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (Italy)
20-03-2023 SWISS FX INVESTMENTS Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
20-03-2023 HUGOWAYOPTIONS Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
20-03-2023 FIRSTCRYPTOINVESTMENT Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
20-03-2023 MERCADOS DE VALORES Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
20-03-2023 FAIRFIELD CAPITAL PARTNERS LLC Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
20-03-2023 FUSION24FX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
20-03-2023 META FX/META FOREX MARKETS LTD Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
20-03-2023 PROMINERS FXT Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
20-03-2023 AUTO STOCK TRADING Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
20-03-2023 ITG INVESTING Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
20-03-2023 EAGLEMARKETSPRO.ONLINE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
18-03-2023 Brookfield EU Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
17-03-2023 Universe Trading LLC / Trust Your Universe Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
17-03-2023 GoldingFX - Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
17-03-2023 BitmineFx Hub Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
17-03-2023 cryptometatrades Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
17-03-2023 DIGITALTRADE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
17-03-2023 INFINITEOPTIONTRADE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
17-03-2023 GEMSTRADE ASSETS Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
17-03-2023 CREST-CREDITS.XYZ Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
16-03-2023 I-GLOBAL MANAGEMENT and VAQUITA FUND Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
16-03-2023 Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
16-03-2023 FIRM EXCHANGE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
16-03-2023 DAZON-CAPITAL / COINTRADEX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
16-03-2023 WINTRADE X Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
16-03-2023 KNOWNFX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
16-03-2023 CROMVOX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
16-03-2023 STOCKHUTFX INC Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
16-03-2023 PERFECTIS LOANS Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
16-03-2023 EXCELLENCE TRUST BANK Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
16-03-2023 PREMIUM CRYPTO GAIN Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
15-03-2023 VIE FINANCE AEPEY - CAPITAL Securities AEPEY - Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
15-03-2023 SOLIDSTOCKS - Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
15-03-2023 GRAND CAPITAL LTD - - Financial Commission - FinaCom PLC - Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
15-03-2023 Fraudulent online trading platforms or websites Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
15-03-2023 BITFXD Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
15-03-2023 WEALTH FUND MANAGEMENT INTERNATIONAL Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
15-03-2023 DIAMOND CRYPTO FINANCE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
15-03-2023 OCTAFX-EARN Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
15-03-2023 MAIN CRYPTO TRADES Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
15-03-2023 GLOBALCRYPTOTRADEALLIANCE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
14-03-2023 Market-Gold - - Astrica Limited Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
14-03-2023 ELITEMORTAGEFIN.LTD Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
14-03-2023 BINARY FOREX TRADING STOCK Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
13-03-2023 Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
13-03-2023 Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
13-03-2023 Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
13-03-2023 Octa Markets Incorporated - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
13-03-2023 Flack Consulting Llc (, page - Shlack Consulting Llc ( - Florishing Group Llc (, page - Broker Capitals Ltd (, page - VirtuFinance (www.virtufinance.come, page Warning from the Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (Italy)
13-03-2023 HELIUM100BOOSTFX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
13-03-2023 LITEFXANALYSIS Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
13-03-2023 GOLDMINES / GOLDMINESINVEST.COM Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
13-03-2023 GLOVE-INVESTS / GLOVES INVESTS Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
10-03-2023 Lion Bonds Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
10-03-2023 Fraudulent entity clones authorised firm Citibank Europe plc Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
10-03-2023 HEXA FX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
10-03-2023 BINARY TRADE LIMITED Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
10-03-2023 LEADPARTENERINV Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
10-03-2023 MEGA-CAPITALS.COM Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
08-03-2023 RANGEBITS Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
08-03-2023 FUTUREPLANINVEST.COM Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
08-03-2023 SWISSCOININVEST Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
08-03-2023 CAANHOLDINGS Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
07-03-2023 CRYPTO CHAIN Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
07-03-2023 SIMPLETOMAN Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
06-03-2023 United Advisors Marine - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
06-03-2023 Effervescent Group LTD - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
06-03-2023 CMF Group LTD - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
06-03-2023 CMC MARKETS DE INVERSION (TELEGRAM CHANNEL) (CLON) Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
06-03-2023 Akbuke Capital LLC - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
06-03-2023 247 Igenius Innovation Trades - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
06-03-2023 Prime Invest e (, page - FXBoxed (, page - New Finance Llc e NewFx Limited (sito - Axi24 (, page - Evolve Consulting Lcc ( and page - Trustfund-Minning Global Pty Ltd ( - Trustfund-Minning Global Pty Ltd ( Warning from the Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (Italy)
06-03-2023 FOREX NEW LIMIT Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
06-03-2023 BIT-MINERS Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
03-03-2023 TITANPROS Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
03-03-2023 AXUMAY GLOBAL BANK Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
03-03-2023 PANDORAINVEST LTD Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
02-03-2023 Fraudulent investment offers through trading robots Warning from the Autority of Financial Markets (France)
02-03-2023 BITASSET Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
02-03-2023 CRYPTO CAPITAL INVESTMENT Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
02-03-2023 AXI TRADING Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
02-03-2023 STAR MINES Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
01-03-2023 CRYSTAL COINERS Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
01-03-2023 BIT-INVESTCAPITAL Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
01-03-2023 MACRO-TRADEMINERS.COM Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
01-03-2023 MULAINVESTS.COM Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
27-02-2023 TOMEX OPTIONS - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
27-02-2023 SAYAN LTD - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
27-02-2023 ACA INVEST CORPORATION - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
24-02-2023 Mixfinancing Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
24-02-2023 InvDaily/ Advanced Software Solutions Lda Warning from the Comissão do Mercado de Valores Mobiliãrios (Portugal)
24-02-2023 Crypto Meta5 Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
24-02-2023 Spring Well Bank Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
24-02-2023 HFX MULTIFX TRADES Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
23-02-2023 HIKE MINERS LIMITED Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
23-02-2023 INVA FINANCE CORPORATION Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
23-02-2023 OLYMPIA-TRADE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
23-02-2023 GAMBITEX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
23-02-2023 QUEST ACCESS Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
23-02-2023 CAPITALSVENTURE / CAPITALSVENTURE.COM Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
22-02-2023 ZEALGLOBALCOIN / ZEALGLOBALCOIN.COM Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
22-02-2023 CB-INVESTMENT.NET Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
22-02-2023 STAND FINANCE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
22-02-2023 IWELFARE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
22-02-2023 Chester-Arcdale Capital Partners Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
22-02-2023 CAPITAL DEAL MARKET Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
21-02-2023 PLATINMARKETS - Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
21-02-2023 CROWDTECHTRADE - Warning from the The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
21-02-2023 Warning concerning the website and a fraud scheme misusing the name of the company VKD INVEST SICAV-SIF SCA incorporated under Luxembourg law Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
21-02-2023 COINMAINVEST Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
21-02-2023 PROFXTRUSTCRYPTO Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
21-02-2023 DELUXTRADEX.COM / DELUXETRADEX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
21-02-2023 APEXWEALTHLTD.COM Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
21-02-2023 WWW.ALIEXTRADE.COM Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
21-02-2023 CREATIVE COIN Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
21-02-2023 NORDEN FINANCE LIMITED Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
20-02-2023 SGG INVEST/SAVE INVEST - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
20-02-2023 MY BIT CHAIN - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
20-02-2023 KIEXO LLC - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
20-02-2023 Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
20-02-2023 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT LTD - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
20-02-2023 Fiesta LLC - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
20-02-2023 EVOLVE CONSULTING LLC - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
20-02-2023 ELYSIAN GROUP LLC - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
20-02-2023 CMX Markets LTD - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
20-02-2023 BRIDGEWATER ASSOCIATES (UK) LTD - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
20-02-2023 BINGX - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
20-02-2023 APRICUS GROUP LLC - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
20-02-2023 SHARON FX/Trading marketspro Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
20-02-2023 UNION ROYAL BANK Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
20-02-2023 INVEST-PRIME.LTD / INVESTPRIME Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
20-02-2023 HANTEC FUNDS INVESTMENT Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
20-02-2023 PEAKTRADE53FX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
17-02-2023 PREMIUMBASEFX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
17-02-2023 CRYPTO-BULLTRADE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
17-02-2023 CRYPTOX ARENA LTD Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
17-02-2023 EQUITYTRADE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
17-02-2023 DIGITALVALUX.COM Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
17-02-2023 FX Signal Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
17-02-2023 Con Trading FX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
16-02-2023 GOLDBRICK-INVEST / GOLDBRICKINVESTMENTS Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
16-02-2023 Blossom Capital Banking Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
16-02-2023 Binarycryptometric LTD Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
16-02-2023 ECOSPACEFXTRADE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
16-02-2023 FOREX BULL TRADE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
16-02-2023 Swift Prime Investments Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
15-02-2023 Optium LTD Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
15-02-2023 INTRAO Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
15-02-2023 PROTON ASSETS / PROTON-ASSETS.COM Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
14-02-2023 CRYPTOASSETFORTRESS Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
14-02-2023 BROADMARKETCAP Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
14-02-2023 WEALTHCRYPTOMINE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
14-02-2023 STANDARDGLOBALTRADINGFX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
14-02-2023 Beaufort securities Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
13-02-2023 SwissFX Bank Limited (, page - Jkcforex Group Limited (, page - Axicapitals (, page - Cryptoneyx ( - Vantage Global Limited (,, page - N 26 Pty Ltd / Binanfx (, page - Digitalcurrency Exchange ( Warning from the Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (Italy)
13-02-2023 OCTOCHAIN FINTECH LIMITED - ZOOMEX - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
13-02-2023 REVERRA LLC - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
13-02-2023 Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
13-02-2023 FXWINNING LIMITED - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
13-02-2023 Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
13-02-2023 Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
13-02-2023 CRYPTO NATION PRO - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
13-02-2023 Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
13-02-2023 BAMBOOZLE GROUP LTD - - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
13-02-2023 AKBUKE CAPITAL LLC - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
13-02-2023 ACTION MARKETS LTD - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
13-02-2023 Warning regarding fraudulent activities exercised under the name of the Luxembourg company C.B.C. GROUP S.A. Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
13-02-2023 FOREXAUTOPRO LIMITED Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
13-02-2023 XBITMINE / XBITMINE.CO.UK Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
10-02-2023 Loans Deluxe Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
10-02-2023 Fraudulent entity clones authorised firm Goldman Sachs Asset Management Fund Services Limited Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
10-02-2023 Fraudulent entity clones authorised firm Deutsche Bank AG Dublin Branch and formerly authorised firm Deutsche International Corporate Services (Ireland) Limited Warning from the Central Bank of Ireland (Ireland)
10-02-2023 Capitalstacktrade L.P. Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
10-02-2023 Trufort investments Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
10-02-2023 Superiorfx trading Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
10-02-2023 Vest Assets LTD Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
10-02-2023 WAY TRADING INVESTMENT Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
09-02-2023 “Barclay Private Equity” (website: BaFin issues warning about offer of alleged “TikTok” and “Bytedance” shares to the public by “Barclay Private Equity” Warning from the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Germany)
09-02-2023 Accesscrypto Investment Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
09-02-2023 CryptoProfitCrex Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
09-02-2023 Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
09-02-2023 Asset Finance Investment Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
09-02-2023 AssetsFXT Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
09-02-2023 GOEVERUPS - Warning from The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
09-02-2023 BRIM ACCRUE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
09-02-2023 MAXCAPITALIMTED.COM Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
09-02-2023 GOLDEN FUNDSFX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
09-02-2023 PERFECT-INVEST.LTD Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
09-02-2023 TRADERS-INVESTPRO / TRADERS-INVESTPRO.COM Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
09-02-2023 EAGLEFXPRO Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
09-02-2023 CRYPTOX COIN TRADE / CRYPTOXCOINTRADE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
09-02-2023 RXK Capital Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
09-02-2023 ImportCapital Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
09-02-2023 Algorithm Dex Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
08-02-2023 FIRST SKY PRIVATE BANK Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
08-02-2023 CAPITISFX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
08-02-2023 INATE FX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
08-02-2023 MARKET SIGNAL POINT Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
08-02-2023 SILICONMEGAMARKET Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
07-02-2023 Blix24 LLC / Blix24 Center Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
07-02-2023 Abendroth Fortel Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
07-02-2023 LUXURY CAPITALS - - Warning from The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
07-02-2023 BLENDFX TRADE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
07-02-2023 Flexible Wealth Exchange Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
07-02-2023 WEALTH PARAMOUNT Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
07-02-2023 FINANCE EXPERTS LTD Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
06-02-2023 NATATRADE - - - - BIM LLC- Nata Trade Limited - Nata Trade Limited Warning from The Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Greece)
06-02-2023 FXCROB TRADING Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
06-02-2023 EXTREME INVESTMENT PLATFORM LTD Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
06-02-2023 iToroStocks Ltd Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
06-02-2023 FXCHAINS-LTD Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
06-02-2023 Cryptouniverseprofit L.P. Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
06-02-2023 Forex Chefs Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
06-02-2023 OctaMarketstrading Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
06-02-2023 FUNDCHAIN ADMIN Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
06-02-2023 PAYRUZZA Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
03-02-2023 StateHills - Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
03-02-2023 VIPCOIN Finanzportal GmbH - Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
03-02-2023 Capitalalliancebank Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
03-02-2023 UKBTC Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
03-02-2023 QUANTUM CAPITAL MARKET Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
03-02-2023 TOPCLUBINVESTMENTS Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
03-02-2023 THE TRUSTFX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
03-02-2023 FORXCRYPTONET Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
03-02-2023 TRADE BULL MAX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
03-02-2023 NEXUSXCHANGE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
03-02-2023 SPOTFXOPTIONS Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
03-02-2023 INTERACT TRADEFX / INTERACTTRADEFX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
03-02-2023 LEGALFOREXCOIN Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
03-02-2023 WILLIAM MARKET FXTM Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
03-02-2023 HEDGE-QUITYFX / HEDGE-QUITYFX.COM Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
01-02-2023 Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
01-02-2023 WiseTrades4U - Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
01-02-2023 DELUXE-BROKER Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
01-02-2023 TRADESXMARKET Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
01-02-2023 HFX CRYPTOFX TRADE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
01-02-2023 Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
01-02-2023 SURGEINVESTCOIN.COM Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
01-02-2023 BLINARUX.COM Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
01-02-2023 MILLENIUM GROWTH Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
01-02-2023 FOREX-EXCHANGELTD.LTD Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
01-02-2023 TRUST-COIN.TRADE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
01-02-2023 TRADEIO FX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
01-02-2023 PROTONFOREX / PROTON BROKERS Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
01-02-2023 ACCEL VENTURE PARTNERS / CRYPTO-ACCEL Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
01-02-2023 EARNEASYMONEY Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
30-01-2023 PATTERN TRADE - - - - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
30-01-2023 LAGRANGE CAPITAL LLC - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
30-01-2023 Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
30-01-2023 CREFX-INCOME - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
30-01-2023 O3FX CAPITAL Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
30-01-2023 COIN PLUS WALLET Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
30-01-2023 ZENITH TRADING CAPITAL Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
30-01-2023 Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
30-01-2023 Exchangenilo Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
27-01-2023 FOREXMINING.ORG Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
27-01-2023 FxCapitalProfit Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
27-01-2023 Digital-Inv Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
27-01-2023 cryptomargin Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
27-01-2023 Future FX Stakes LTD Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
27-01-2023 CentralTradingHub Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
26-01-2023 LEGIT-TRADING.ORG Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
26-01-2023 Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
25-01-2023 Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
25-01-2023 VolksFX - Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
25-01-2023 MAXITRADE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
25-01-2023 OCTEXTRADE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
25-01-2023 HEX-CAPITALS LTD Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
24-01-2023 Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
23-01-2023 RADIXINVEST - Warning from the Hellenic Capital Market Commission
23-01-2023 TRADERS GLOBAL GROUP INC - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores
23-01-2023 GENIUSINVEST - Warning from the Hellenic Capital Market Commission
23-01-2023 Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores
23-01-2023 EPSILON INVESTMENTS - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores
23-01-2023 CRYPTOTRADETECH - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores
23-01-2023 AZIMUTH TRADE - Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores
23-01-2023 AVIVA-ARB - Warning from the Hellenic Capital Market Commission
23-01-2023 Warning concerning emails sent from the addresses and Warning from the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (Luxembourg)
23-01-2023 Cz-changpeng FX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
23-01-2023 EQUITI CAPITAL MARKETS Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
20-01-2023 CSPARTNERS-GESTION (CLON) - (CLON) Warning from the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (Spain)
20-01-2023 ICMARKETPROS Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
20-01-2023 CRYPTO ALPHA FX TRADE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
20-01-2023 SMART COIN TRADE FX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
20-01-2023 TRADEBITFINEX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
20-01-2023 INSTANTTRADESFX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
19-01-2023 SWIFT CAPITAL FX24 Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
19-01-2023 CRYPTO GENIUSE Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
19-01-2023 PROFIT INDEX MARKET Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
19-01-2023 PROFIT INDEX TRADERS Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
19-01-2023 CRYPTO FX INDEX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
19-01-2023 SMART EPENDY SI Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
19-01-2023 EXCHANGE X MARKETS Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
19-01-2023 FIXED INCOME FINDER Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
19-01-2023 BINAKFX Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
18-01-2023 Onex Corporation / Canoodle Solutions Ltd - Warning from the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Austria)
18-01-2023 EUROPEAN INVESTMENT Warning from the Financial Conduct Authority (United Kingdom)
18-01-2023 EXCLUSIVE TRADE FX Warning from the Financial Conduct A