Legislation Laws 01/04/2007 Law of 1 April 2007 on Takeover Bids(pdf - 120.78 KB) Files law_01-04-2007.pdf (pdf - 120.78 KB) (Unofficial consolidated version: 07/2013) Royal Decrees 27/04/2007 Royal Decree of 27 April 2007 on Takeover Bids(pdf - 202.01 KB) Files rd_27-04-2007.pdf (pdf - 202.01 KB) (Unofficial consolidated version: 12/2022) Circulars, communications and handbook Communications 09/07/2019 FSMA_2019_13 Communication on the procedures for the submission and processing of dossiers relating to public offers(pdf - 722.39 KB) Files Communication on the procedures for the submission and processing of dossiers relating to public offers (pdf - 722.39 KB) Attachment(s) Data to be reported for dossiers submitted to the FSMA pursuant to Article 20 of the Prospectus Regulation (xlsx - 60.79 KB) (update 17/12/2024) European documents ESMA: Public statement concerning shareholder cooperation and acting in concert Links ESMA: Public statement concerning shareholder cooperation and acting in concert Opinion of the FSMA FSMA opinion on the standstill period provided for in the Royal Decree on Takeover Bids 14/05/2019 FSMA_Opinion_2019_02 Ongoing Takeover Bids Standard form for disclosing transactions in securities during a bid period Overview of the ongoing takeover bids Prospectuses, announcements of takeover bids and notifications of securities operations List of prospectuses Links List of prospectuses List of announcements of takeover bids Links List of announcements of takeover bids List of notifications of securities operations Links List of notifications of securities operations Questions and answers (FAQ) Questions and answers on takeover bids and the MAR (dd. 15 January 2018) 1. When does a potential bidder have to announce his/her intention to launch a bid? 2. What information has to be included in a press release in which the potential offeror announces his/her intention to launch a bid? 3. When does notification have to be made of transactions in securities carrying voting rights or conferring access to voting rights in the offeree company, the offeror or the company whose securities are being offered by way of consideration? 4. Do the provisions regarding the obligation to disclose any inside information to the public apply in the context of the preparation of a takeover bid? 5. Does the legislation governing market abuse offer a legal framework for an offeror's negotiations regarding its takeover bid? 6. May an offeror still buy securities in the offeree company during the preparation of a takeover bid, in order to strengthen its position within the shareholdership (also known as stake-building)?