Transitional permissions regime Brexit – transitional permissions regime for intermediaries governed by the law of the UK or Gibraltar European documents Consumer guide: What should you do if you have a life insurance policy or pension from the UK? Links Consumer guide: What should you do if you have a life insurance policy or pensi… Brexit: Impact of the end of the transition period on 31 December 2020 on the trading obligation for shares (Article 23 of MiFIR) Links Brexit: Impact of the end of the transition period on 31 December 2020 on the … EIOPA calls on insurance sector to complete preparations for the end of the UK transition period Links EIOPA calls on insurance sector to complete preparations for the end of the UK … ESMA tells market participants to continue preparations for the end of the UK transition period Links ESMA tells market participants to continue preparations for the end of the UK t… 19/12/2018 Reminder to firms on their MiFID obligations on disclosure of information to clients in the context of the United Kingdom withdrawing from the European Union(pdf - 212.95 KB) Files 2018-12-19_reminderonbrexitobligations.pdf (pdf - 212.95 KB) 28/06/2018 Opinion on disclosure of information to customers about the impact of the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union(pdf - 305.05 KB) Files 2018-06-28_eiopa_opinionondisclosure.pdf (pdf - 305.05 KB) 25/06/2018 Opinion of the European Banking Authority on preparations for the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union(pdf - 172.88 KB) Files 2018-06-25_eba_brexit_en.pdf (pdf - 172.88 KB) Circulars, communications and handbook Communications 17/11/2020 FSMA_2020_16 Regime applicable to UK asset managers and UK funds after Brexit(pdf - 601.59 KB) Files fsma_2020_16_en.pdf (pdf - 601.59 KB) 21/02/2019 FSMA_2019_07 Provision or supply of investment services and/or activities in Belgium on a cross-border basis by foreign investment firms(pdf - 524.64 KB) Files fsma_2019_07_en.pdf (pdf - 524.64 KB) Attachment(s) Provision or supply of investment services and/or activities in Belgium on a cross-border basis by foreign investment firms. Articles 12 and 14 of the Belgian Law of 25 October 2016 (docx - 61.78 KB) Provision or supply of investment services and/or activities in Belgium on a cross-border basis by foreign investment firms. Articles 12 and 14 of the Belgian Law of 25 October 2016 (pdf - 431.05 KB) 21/02/2019 FSMA_2019_06 Provision of investment services and performance of investment activity in Belgium by companies governed by the law of the United Kingdom after entry into force of Brexit(pdf - 375.3 KB) Files fsma_2019_06_en.pdf (pdf - 375.3 KB)