Legislation Laws 02/08/2002 Law of 2 August 2002 on the supervision of the financial sector and on financial services(pdf - 451.34 KB) Files law_02-08-2002.pdf (pdf - 451.34 KB) (Unofficial consolidated version: 07/2013) Regulations 19/12/2012 Commission delegated regulation (EU) No 231/2013 of 19 December 2012 supplementing Directive 2011/61/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to exemptions, general operating conditions, depositaries, leverage, transparency and supervision(pdf - 1.66 MB) Files 19-12-2012_regulation231.pdf (pdf - 1.66 MB) Circulars, communications and handbook Circulars 02/09/2014 FSMA_2014_09 Reporting obligations of alternative investment fund managers to the FSMA(pdf - 463.29 KB) Files Reporting obligations of alternative investment fund anagers to the FSMA (pdf - 463.29 KB) 18/11/2009 CBFA_2009_32 Circular to financial institutions on acquisitions, increases, reductions and disposals of qualifying holdings(pdf - 49.75 KB) Files cbfa_2009_32.pdf (pdf - 49.75 KB) Attachment(s) Annex: - Change in the capital and its composition - Occasional statement (docx - 127.98 KB) Annex: - Change in the capital and its composition - Occasional statement (pdf - 31.9 KB) The capital and its composition - Annual statement (docx - 128.86 KB) The capital and its composition - Annual statement (pdf - 34.69 KB) 07/04/2009 CBFA_2009_17 Financial services via the Internet: Prudential requirements(pdf - 71.88 KB) Files cbfa_2009_17.pdf (pdf - 71.88 KB) Attachment(s) Sound practices for managing Internet security risks (pdf - 63.06 KB) 30/03/2007 PPB-2007-6-CPB-CPA CBFA's prudential expectations on financial institutions' sound governance(pdf - 169.11 KB) Files ppb_2007_6_cpb_cpa.pdf (pdf - 169.11 KB) Communications 25/01/2022 FSMA_2022_05 National marketing requirements for UCITS and AIFs(pdf - 799.73 KB) Files National marketing requirements for UCITS and AIFs (pdf - 799.73 KB) (update 23/07/2024) 17/11/2020 FSMA_2020_16 Regime applicable to UK asset managers and UK funds after Brexit(pdf - 601.59 KB) Files fsma_2020_16_en.pdf (pdf - 601.59 KB) 29/09/2017 FSMA_2017_18 Communication to persons intending to acquire, increase, reduce or dispose of a qualifying holding in the capital of financial institutions(pdf - 508.43 KB) Files fsma_2017_18_en.pdf (pdf - 508.43 KB) Attachment(s) Form A / Statement by natural persons of acquisitions or increases in qualifying holdings (docx - 102.1 KB) Form A / Statement by natural persons of acquisitions or increases in qualifying holdings (pdf - 679.27 KB) Form B / Statement by legal persons of acquisitions or increases in qualifying holdings (docx - 105.31 KB) Form B / Statement by legal persons of acquisitions or increases in qualifying holdings (pdf - 694.36 KB) Form C / Statement by trusts or similar legal constructions of acquisitions or increases in qualifying holdings in the capital of financial institutions (docx - 104.1 KB) Form C / Statement by trusts or similar legal constructions of acquisitions or increases in qualifying holdings in the capital of financial institutions (pdf - 700.95 KB) Form Cbis / Individual statement supplementary to the statement referred to in Form C (docx - 61.29 KB) Form Cbis / Individual statement supplementary to the statement referred to in Form C (pdf - 264.58 KB) Form D / Statement relating to a disposal or reduction of a qualifying holding (docx - 87.29 KB) Form D / Statement relating to a disposal or reduction of a qualifying holding (pdf - 603.35 KB) Form E / Statement relating to acquisitions, increases or disposals of securities or units whereby the threshold of 5% of voting rights or capital is crossed (docx - 72.1 KB) Form E / Statement relating to acquisitions, increases or disposals of securities or units whereby the threshold of 5% of voting rights or capital is crossed (pdf - 452.77 KB) Joint guidelines of the ESAs (EBA, EIOPA and ESMA) on the prudential evaluation of acquisitions and increases in qualifying holdings in financial sector entities published on 5 May 2017 (pdf - 583.87 KB) 24/02/2017 FSMA_2017_06 Marketing AIFs in Belgium without a passport to professional investors (pdf - 400.1 KB) Files fsma_2017_06.pdf (pdf - 400.1 KB) Attachment(s) Alternative Investment Funds: Notification of marketing of non-EEA AIFs managed by EEA AIFMs to professional investors in Belgium - Art. 36 AIFMD (pdf - 307.07 KB) Alternative Investment Funds: Notification of marketing of non-EEA AIFs managed by EEA AIFMs to professional investors in Belgium - Art. 36 AIFMD (docx - 70.24 KB) Alternative Investment Funds: Notification of marketing of AIFs managed by non-EEA AIFMs to professional investors in Belgium - Art. 42 AIFMD (pdf - 764.79 KB) Alternative Investment Funds: Notification of marketing of AIFs managed by non-EEA AIFMs to professional investors in Belgium - Art. 42 AIFMD (docx - 80.75 KB) Opinion of the FSMA The notion of leverage in the context of the AIF Law 07/03/2017 FSMA_Opinion_2017_01